How To Make Money Playing Poker Online
If you really want to know how to makemoney playing poker at a casino, there are many things you’re going to need toknow. I’m not going to feed you the same old bullshit. I’ll tell you what manyother folks are doing. They’re recycling the same information.

Play Aggressively to win a large pot with a strong hand. Play Passively to try and win with a weak hand. Play Aggressively to make your opponent fold a better hand. And while it might sometimes seem like magic, the best professionals win simply by playing fundamentally good poker and exploiting their edge. The one thing that almost every poker player is interested in when they begin seriously playing the game is how much money they can make. The top pros and tournament winners are making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a year, where as the majority of uneducated players (often referred to as “fish” by more experienced players) are losing anywhere from a little bit of money. Most low to middle limit cash game players will make about $1,000 per month just in rakeback. That is around $12,000 per year extra that you get just for playing poker. Live poker players don’t see this extra money each month and it is a reason why online poker is much better than live poker. Sep 04, 2019 How to Make Easy Money by Playing Online Poker Games? Written by Tom - Wednesday, September 4, 2019, Online poker. After huge popularity in party circuits. When it comes to playing poker online, it is important that you know how you should play when in each particular position, including the late position How to be the best poker player you can be If you want to improve your poker play and you want to be the best poker player that you can possibly be, then come and have a read of how we can help you. One can pick various poker activities to play. Playing poker on the web include games like Texas Holdem, Omaha, Seven card stud, Five card bring and Caribbean stud poker. You can find usually good benefit for participants that spend many time, so if you perform a lot, probably you may get one.
Making a Living Playing Poker By Guest Author in Casino & Gaming on June 30, 2017 You’ve probably heard interviews or read articles before with professional poker players talking about the glitz, glamor, and occasionally the hard work that goes into making poker your living.
They do this because they don’t want to go out on a limb and be judged. It’s safe on the blazed trail. Playing it safe on the blazed trail definitely doesn’t fit into our poker rules for winning.
I’m going to do my best to take you step by step on how to make money playing poker at a casino. I’m also going to try to do this in chronological order, as if you’re actually taking a trip to the casino to play poker, but I don’t know how it will play out because I’m writing it as I go. I do promise you this, though: You will learn valuable information on how to make money playing poker at a casino.
The first thing we need to do is pick a poker room. What do you have in mind? Obviously, I can’t know your replies, but I can select a poker room that I’m familiar with. If you have been there, you will be with me the whole way. If you haven’t been there, consider it a new journey.

Even though it’s not an in-the-flesh journey, it’s still like reading a fictional book, only this is a poker fictional book. I have written fictional and non-fiction poker books in the past, some of which tell you how to make money playing poker at a casino. Even if you have read them, this will be a completely different angle.
Take a Shower
That’s right. Get your dirty ass in the shower. Okay, most of you shower on a daily basis. Some of you might even shower twice per day! That’s an incredible feat. Unfortunately, there are poker players who don’t believe in taking showers.
Based on my conversations with these people, they either think that society has steered us all in the wrong direction by telling us showers are important, or they want to save money by sleeping in their car.
Whenever I meet someone who doesn’t believe in showering, they never end up winning. I meet the majority of these people in traditional poker games, such as cash games, but I have come across them in Texas Hold’em poker tournaments as well.
I don’t know for a fact why these people never win. They might win for a while, but it never lasts. My assumption would be that they can’t feel very good about themselves when they haven’t showered. I know that sounds incredibly simplistic, but when soap was first discovered human beings went crazy over it.
Think about the times in your lifewhere you had to be around a lot of people and you didn’t shower first. Whatdid that feel like? For me, it sucked. I didn’t feel good about myself, and Ifelt inconsiderate. This leads to a negative mindset.
Poker Mindset
Whether conscious or subconscious, the negative mindset is going to creep in to a poker player’s mind if they don’t shower. The littlest things can have a major impact. For instance, when I drove to Cherokee for the WSOP Circuit last August, I chipped one of my back teeth while eating an apple. I had been warned that this specific tooth was going to be a problem, but it wasn’t expected to happen that fast.
So, I spent several days shifting my tongue to the back left corner of my mouth to confirm a half-empty space (and a sharp edge). This is much different than having your eyes and mind (and maybe your tongue) zoned-in on everything around you.
Shower before you play poker. It fits into our poker rules for winning and really does make a difference. Or I just don’t want to smell you.
I realize that I just pointed to taking a shower for how to make money playing poker at a casino, but I’m always going to be honest with you, no matter how bizarre it might seem.
Choose the Right Poker Room
I usually write positively about pokerrooms around the country. I’m often seen as someone who wants to help everyonein the industry. BUT … if a poker room gets caught cheating, or if it hasserious allegations against it and there are too many coincidences, then I’mgoing to send a warning to my readers.
This is all just my opinion, so keep that in mind. I don’t have hard evidence because I don’t get involved in that stuff, but when several people contact me about the same property and what has happened to them at that property, I feel obligated to warn my readers.
The first and most obvious is Stones Gambling Hall. I don’t recommend going anywhere near that place, at least not for a long time. Nothing has been proven yet, but there is a lot of evidence that an employee and poker player were working together to steal tens of thousands of dollars from other players.
The other is Hialeah Park. They have been accused of pocketing a lot of extra money from poker tournaments without the players realizing it. Apparently, when someone calls them out, they say something along the lines of, “Go back to the Hard Rock where your people play.”
I would like to warn you about one more poker room. This is based on my own personal experiences as well as others who live in the area. Silks Poker Room at Tampa Bay Downs in Oldsmar seems to be a little bit too close of a community between the players and staff.
Whenever there is a big Floor decision, it ends up favoring the regular. I don’t know how they do it or if it’s an incredible string of coincidences, but I don’t feel comfortable playing there anymore.
I do feel comfortable playing at Harrah’s Cherokee Poker Room. The staff there is incredibly honest and friendly. Therefore, we’re going to use that as our sample casino for how to make money playing poker at a casino.
Avoid the 1/2 NL Game
If you’re a beginner, then you might want to play 1/2 NL. I understand that, but you’re fighting an uphill battle when you play 1/2 NL at Harrah’s Cherokee. This has nothing to do with the competition. It has to do with the $7 rake and $200 max buy-in.
The rake is one of the highest in the country. The buy-in is terrible because it doesn’t allow enough room for you to play poker. For example, let’s say you have played very few poker hands after an hour and finally pick up Ad Jc. You raise 4x the BB from the button and get a call from the BB. The Flop: As Ts 4s. The BB bets into you.
You first have to evaluate the player. He’s in his late fifties and relatively tight, but he will also use aggression whenever an opportunity presents itself.
He’s a pretty tough player because you never really know where he’s at. At the same time, he’s not so crafty that he would bet out on flopped flush, especially since he would be betting into you (you took the lead pre-flop).
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This tells us that he has a flush draw. Since there are already three spades on the flop, it’s likely a big flush draw. He knows that you could easily have a spade, and he wouldn’t make this move unless he was confident he would win the hand if another spade hit on the turn or river.
It’s also possible he flopped a set, but that would have to be a set of fours because he would have raised you pre-flop if he had AA or TT. Since a set of fours is the only realistic possibility for a set, you are willing to take your chances that he doesn’t have that.
Other Possibilities
Now you have to look at two pair possibilities. He doesn’t have AT because he’s the type of player to apply aggression whenever he senses an opportunity and he would have raised pre-flop. Doesn’t have T4 because he would have folded pre-flop to your raise of 4x the BB. He doesn’t have A4 suited because it’s already on the board. He could have A4 of a different suit, which is a realistic concern.
You original raise was 4x the BB, which was $8. He called, which brings the total to $16. But don’t forget the SB, which brings the total to $17. When he bet into you, he wagered $14. This indicates that he doesn’t want a call. When an opponent is heads-up and they bet that much more than half the pot, it usually means they don’t want a call. This tells us he doesn’t have two pair. And in this case, he wouldn’t mind a call because he has outs if he hits his flush.
Figuring out poker hands is all about understanding your opponent and then applying the process of elimination. That’s my kind of poker strategy. We now know what our opponent is holding, but what’s your line? Are you going to flat to see if the flush comes? Are you going to blast him out of the water? Or, Are you going to put in a standard raise?
Playing For Sport
If you’re thinking about the right move in regards to poker strategy, you’re missing the point. There is no good answer because it’s a $200 max buy-in. This dude doesn’t like to be pushed around and applies aggression whenever he sees an opportunity.
This means he’s not playing for the money; he’s playing for the sport. He wants to win. This, in turn, means that he isn’t going anywhere. It doesn’t matter what you do. If the chip stacks were different, he could fold, but this player isn’t likely to fold in this spot.
I’m going to leave this hand as an open-ending. I’m not doing this to piss you off. Doing this because the hand can play out in so many different ways. If I write how this hand plays out, we’re being results-oriented. We want to be decision-oriented. The correct decision here needs to be made before you sit down. That correct decision is the following: Don’t Play The 1/2 NL Game! This is specific to this poker room.
Fortunately, there is a much better option.
Play the 2/5 NL Game
It’s difficult for me to comprehend how so many people miss what I’m about to write. Since the PLO game became popular at Harrah’s Cherokee on Friday and Saturday nights, all the regs have moved to that game. If the majority of the best players in the room move from the 2/5 NL game to the PLO game, where do you think you should be?
The reason the regs don’t apply what I’m saying relates to “Ego”. It also relates to wanting to spend time with peers. If they’re making money the rest of the week, it makes sense to me, but Friday and Saturday night should be prime money-making time. Whatever the case, when they move to the PLO game, it means the competition at the 2/5 NL game has softened considerably.
Now you’re basically playing a 1/2 NL game competition-wise, but the buy-in range is $200-$1000 and you can match the biggest stack on the table. Also consider that many other regs in this room will be playing in the Nightly Texas Hold’em poker tournaments. And there are more than one Texas Hold’em poker tournaments in this room on the weekends. Those folks will be busy for a while.
After the PLO poker games and poker tournaments, you’re left with party folks who are drinking, home gamers, tourists, and maybe 1-3 good players. As far as the latter goes, simply play fewer poker hands against them.
Final Thoughts
When you first started reading this article, you likely assumed that my poker tips would relate to poker hands. I could have done that, but it wouldn’t have gotten the message across. Forget the standard poker tips for right now. I’m trying to stress the importance of game selection.
If you really want to know how to make money playing poker at a casino, then you absolutely must begin with quality game selection. We should also remember the important of taking showers. While this might not be quite as important when it comes to how to make money playing poker at a casino, it’s still a lot more important than you think due to the mindset impact. And let’s not forget to only play in poker rooms you trust.
♠ / Tyler Nals
Q: Can you make money playing poker at a casino?A: Yes. A lot of people make a very good living playing poker. Be sure to focus on game selection.
Q: How much money do you need to play poker at a casino?How To Make Money Playing Poker Online For Beginners
A: It depends on the poker room and stakes you want to play. At Harrah’s Cherokee, the buy-in range for 1/2 No Limit is $60-$200. The buy-in for the 2/5 No Limit game is $200-$1,000, but you can also match the biggest stack at the table.
Q: Is it possible to make a living playing poker?A: Yes. If you go this route, the game selection is even more important. You need to eliminate “Ego” and play soft games where you’re always the favorite.
Q: Do professional poker players play with their own money?Free Poker For Money
A: Some do, some don’t. I play my own money 99% of the time. It’s a tougher road, but I like the thrill.