Borderlands The Pre Sequel Backpack Slots

I would like to play with the same level and questlines as my friend's characters, which are mostly Level 30+ and in True Vault Hunter Mode, but some of my characters that I'd like to play are in a low level and are not yet in True Vault Hunter Mode. I would also like to have all weapon slots unlocked.

  • To use a save from the previous generation versions of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! In Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, first you’ll need to download the patches enabling cross-save for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!, which should be available for download later this week.
  • This mod MUST be added to your Binaries directory for The Pre-Sequel! This will allow you to customize your Bank and Backpack Space in various ways with individual options. These options are as follows: Make your Backpack Space be a total of 40 at the Default option, all the way up to 200 capacity.
  • Max Backpack Slots Borderlands 2 Contact UsOct 4, 2012. Looks like they decided on only 27 slots for some reason. Gun storage now, its kinda sad that there's such a pathetic limit to what we can carry:(.

Contact UsOct 4, 2012 . Looks like they decided on only 27 slots for some reason. . gun storage now, its kinda sad that there's such a pathetic limit to what we can carry :( . When you sell stuff at a machine in Borderlands 2, can't you go back max backpack slots borderlands 2 to that .

Borderlands 1 max backpack space, advice needed

I know how this works for the most part, I've got up to but have not yet completed the 'rescue Tannis' mission in PT2 and I have 57 backpack slots, so I've done all the main game Claptrap rescues from PT1 and the 5 random rewards from PT2.

For the DLC's, do I have to do PT1 DLC Claptraps first, then PT2? I don't want to mess this up!

2 comments share save hide 67% Upvoted This thread is archivedNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSort bybest

best top new controversial old q&a level 1 yoshimonpinata 2 points · 1 year ago

72 is technically the maximum but is a little strange to get that many, you arent meant to

shareSave level 1 Clusterone666 1 point · 1 year ago

If you are worried about inventory space just use willowtree to give yourself a couple extra slots. :)

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Borderlands 2 Ammo Upgrade

18 Sep 2012 . I thought I understood this game and followed the directions to buy additional backpack slots by trading euridium to the black market guy but I .lonrot NoobGearbox Explains Borderlands 2 Backpack, Bank, and Secret Stash Limits Beacon Counselling Gambling Borderlands 2 PC: Easy Unlimited Backpack, Money and Eridium .Bayonetta Enthusiastjackkarma Enthusiast Lonrot NoobThe FANDOM App8 Sep 2013 . Borderlands 2 . to the Eridium guy in Sanctuary and buy the remaining backpack slots (the new . 39 is the maximum number of bag spaces.

Borderlands 2 – The Inventory Screen

Posted by Major Slack

Using Inventory & Vending Machine Screens in Borderlands 2

The other main interface you'll be spending a lot of time with is your weapons and gear inventory known simply as the Inventory Screen .

The Inventory screen shows the weapons and gear you have equipped or the spare stuff you're carrying in your backpack either of which view can be brought to the foreground by clicking on the yellow arrow.

Here's an example of what you'll see in your Inventory Equipped view early in the game:

And the following is a rundown of what's going on:

  1. Equipped Weapon Slot #1 — Available to be filled with a favorite weapon when you start the game. When you're in 'play mode', e.g., in the middle of a battle, you can hit the 1 key to automatically switch to the weapon in this slot. ( Back to screenshot )
  2. Equipped Weapon Slot #2 — Available to be filled with a favorite weapon when you start the game. When you're in 'play mode', you can hit the 2 key to automatically switch to the weapon in this slot. ( Back to screenshot )
  3. Equipped Weapon Slot #3 — This will remain locked until you complete the Plan B story mission (Chapter 5). Once unlocked (and in play mode), hit the 3 key to automatically equip the weapon in this slot. ( Back to screenshot )
  4. Equipped Weapon Slot #4 — This will remain locked until you complete the Bright Lights, Flying City story mission (Chapter 10). When this is unlocked, hit the 4 key to automatically equip the weapon in this slot. ( Back to screenshot )
  5. Shield Slot — You start seeing shields when you get to level 3. Shields soak up damage until they are depleted thus protecting your Health bar. The first shield you acquire will automatically be equipped in this slot. ( Back to screenshot )
  6. Class Mod Slot — Class mods are special pieces of equipment that are specific to each of the character classes. When they are equipped, they provide significant bonuses such as more health, faster reload speed, more damage from sniper rifles, etc. Sometimes they also grant extra points to certain skills in the Skill tree. However to take advantage of these bonuses, you must have at least one skill point already allotted to that skill. ( Back to screenshot )
  7. Grenade Mod Slot — Grenade mods are items that you can equip in this slot to give special properties to your thrown grenades. For example, when throwing a 'normal' grenade, it will simply land and blow up. When throwing a grenade with a Fireburst grenade mod equipped, that same grenade will now land where you threw it and then turn into a spinning flamethrower lasting for about five seconds (one of the best grenade mods, by the way). Like weapons, grenade mods can and should be frequently swapped out with different grenade mods to adjust to the situation at hand. ( Back to screenshot )
  8. Relic Slot — Relics are similar to class mods in that they grant bonuses to your character except they are not character specific. Any character class can equip any relic. On a level per level basis, relics aren't nearly as powerful as class mods, e.g., a level 12 relic won't offer bonuses comparable to a level 12 class mod. However you will eventually run into some higher level relics that grant very useful bonuses when equipped, for example, increasing your maximum health by 40%. ( Back to screenshot )
  9. Highlighted Weapon/Item Stat Card — This will pop up every time you hover over a weapon or item either equipped or in the backpack. It gives you detailed statistics and information on that weapon or item allowing you evaluate its capabilities. ( Back to screenshot )
  10. Ammo Box — This is all the ammunition you currently have in your possession. Note that you do not actually have to have a particular weapon type in your possession in order to stockpile ammo for it. The top number for each ammo type is how much ammo you currently have while the bottom number is the maximum amount you are currently allowed to carry for that ammo type. The maximum capacity for each ammo type can be increased by purchasing Storage Deck Upgrades (SDUs) from Crazy Earl in Sanctuary using Eridium as currency (more on this later in the walkthrough). ( Back to screenshot )
  11. Cash on Hand — This is how much cash you currently have in your possession. You get cash from looting containers around the gamescape, picking up enemy kill drops, selling spare weapons and items and completing missions. If you play well, you could finish the game with over 0,000 to spare! So don't be afraid to spend money right from the get-go. ( Back to screenshot )
  12. Eridium Supply — This is how much Eridium you have on hand. Eridium is a special kind of purple mineral that you'll collect throughout your travels in Borderlands 2. You'll either find it randomly in loot containers (particularly cash boxes) or you'll earn it as a reward for completing some missions. The only use for Eridium is to purchase upgrades from Crazy Earl in Sanctuary which can increase weapon type ammo capacities, the size of your backpack and the size of other storage spaces that will become available later in the game. ( Back to screenshot )
  13. Backpack — Aside from your equipped weapons and items, you also have a backpack in which you can carry spare stuff. It is important to have spare weapons and items that you can swap out for your currently equipped items in order to deal with different kinds of threats. The backpack is also useful for stockpiling loot (weapons and items you find while playing) to eventually carry back to the nearest vending machine and sell for cash. Most of your cash flow will come from looting and selling stuff you find. You start the game out with 12 spare slots in your backpack. This can be increased to 27 spare slots by purchasing upgrades from Crazy Earl in Sanctuary. ( Back to screenshot )

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  • For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled . I dont wanna toss away any of the cooler stuff I've picked, so, when can I . You get more slots for the backpack in Santuary or just use the safe in .
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  • Official Blog for MajorSlackVideos Youtube ChannelBorderlands 2 Walkthrough: User Interfaces - The Inventory ScreenPost Playthrough 2 (Playthrough 2.5)
  • 18 Sep 2012 . I thought I understood this game and followed the directions to buy additional backpack slots by trading euridium to the black market guy but I .. got up to but have not yet completed the 'rescue Tannis' mission in PT2 and I have 57 backpack. . /r/Borderlands2 accepts non-text posts.
  • FIFAUsing Inventory & Vending Machine Screens in Borderlands 2 . gear you have equipped or the spare stuff you're carrying in your backpack either . Equipped Weapon Slot #1 — Available to be filled with a favorite weapon . significant bonuses such as more health, faster reload speed, more damage from sniper rifles, etc.
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  • 10 Aug 2017 - 5 min - Uploaded by WintersBorderlands 2 Backpack MOD UNLIMITED SLOTS! . Show more . HOW TO HAVE UNLIMITED .

Aug 26, 2013 . Always wondered how to achieve obtaining all of the backpack SDUs upgrades? . click on this guide and have the max inventory space in borderlands legitimately in. . of definitely getting the backpack SDU from those 2 missions is to go on . With the weapon, shield class mod and grenade mod slots this . Discussion in 'Borderlands 2 Modding & Glitching' started by zxjb, . Load up your game and go to the black market and buy the available BackPack slots. . and now my ammo is around double the 'max' - this was after I had .

Forum:42+ storage capacity? Borderlands Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia Red Rock Casino Special Offer Code Discussion in 'Borderlands 2 Modding & Glitching' started by zxjb, . Load up your game and go to the black market and buy the available BackPack slots. . and now my ammo is around double the 'max' - this was after I had . Borderlands 2: legit way to increase backpack size?