Blackjack Double Down Hand Signal
Then use your index finger to point at the doubled bet. Figuring out how to double down at Bovada is much easier: Just hit the “Double” button. No hand signals required. Blackjack Double Down Rules. In both Single Deck Blackjack variants at Bovada, you’re allowed to double on any two cards you’re dealt – and you can double down after.
Blackjack is one of the most widely played games in any casino, brick-and-mortar or online. The game is popular for many reasons, including the fact that it is one of the easiest casino table games to learn to play and offers plenty of strategically-based decision-making to enhance winning opportunities.
While the most common decisions you would make in each round of blackjack include knowing when to hit or when to stand, other crucial strategic decisions include knowing when to split and when to double down.
Splitting Cards – What Is it and When Should You Do It?
The opportunity to split cards usually occurs when any player is dealt two identically-ranked cards, known as a pair, in the initial deal. The player can then split them into two new and separate bets and request another card for each. The two new hands will then each get a full bet, the same as if it were just a single blackjack hand.
Should it be on any two same-ranked cards, or is there a better way to go about splitting cards?
As a matter of fact, there is, and it’s loosely referred to as the aces and eights “rule.” In the case of a pair of aces, the player can either see the hand as a 2 (total), which is very bad, or as a soft 12, which can be just as bad. However, if the player splits the aces into two new bets, they automatically give themselves two separate opportunities to potentially hit a 21 or blackjack.
Similarly, if a player receives a pair of eights in their initial round, it adds up to a total of 16, which is considered to be one of the worst hands in blackjack. However, splitting the eights gives the player an opportunity to build on both hands.
- Only receive one card each split hand. A player may double down on the first two cards he/she is dealt. The player may place a double down wager for any amount up to the original amount bet. When doubling down, the player will receive only one additional card. Decisions to split and double down are expressed by a hand signal.
- Blackjack is the American variant of a globally popular banking game known as Twenty-One, whose relatives include Pontoon and Vingt-et-Un. It is a comparing card game between one or more players and a dealer, where each player in turn competes against the dealer. Players do not compete against each other. It is played with one or more decks of 52 cards, and is the most widely played casino.
If the player should receive either a 10 card or an 11 card, they will have a total of 18 or 19, which are both much better than going up against the dealer with a total of 16 only, should they choose not to split.
Double Down – What Does It Mean?
As the name implies, doubling down entails doubling your initial bet once you have received your first two cards. Of course, doubling down also depends on the rules of the particular game of blackjack that you happen to be playing.
It is always a good idea to ensure that you can double down in the game of blackjack you want to play before actually sitting down (or playing online). The double-down can be risky since you are putting down twice as much on your hand. If you lose, you lose twice as much. However, if you win, you instantly double your profits for very little extra work.
How the Double-Down System Works
To get your double-down going, you will need to signal to the dealer that this is your intention. In order to do this, simply place the same amount of chips next to your original bet. This is generally the accepted signal for a double-down in most brick-and-mortar or online casinos.
Note:Some land-based and online casinos will also allow you to double down for less, meaning that you can still pull off a double-down move, but you won’t have to put down the same amount as your initial bet, a bit like a special deal.
Once the dealer has acknowledged your wish to double down, he/she will then place an additional card across your initial two cards. This is where the entire double-down procedure ends, as you will not be allowed to do anything else with this hand. In other words, whatever your total hand is with the three cards is the hand you will be playing, without any additional hits.
Letting the Dealer Know You Are Doubling Down and Not Splitting

In blackjack, the action for a double-down is exactly the same as the action for a split. This is usually not a problem if you are either doubling down or splitting. However, if you want to double down on a pair, you will need to let the dealer know that you are doubling down and not splitting the pair.
In order to do this, you will need to say the words “double down” when placing your additional bet. This will ensure that the dealer does not confuse your intention.
Letting the Dealer Know You Are Doubling Down and Not Splitting – Online
Of course, if you are playing blackjack online, you cannot actually say the words “double down” to the dealer since the dealer is effectively a computer program. However, you can simply hit the double-down button (in most instances of online blackjack), and your additional bet will be placed automatically.
Know the Rules
Not every game of blackjack will allow you to double down on your hand, and not every casino (brick-and-mortar or online) will follow the same rules regarding doubling down. The most common form of the double-down rule allows players to double down on their initial two-card hand. Let’s look at some variations of the blackjack double-down rule:
- The most common double-down rule covers your first two-card hand
- Some casinos will also allow you to double down on a blackjack
- Some casinos will restrict the double-down option to either hard 9, hard 10, or hard 11 – this means that your initial two-card total must be 9, 10, or 11
- Players can also double down after a split – this applies to most brick-and-mortar as well as online casinos
When to Double Down?
Doubling down is an enormously popular strategy in blackjack, and it is used by experienced players to potentially increase their profits very quickly. However, as with any technique or strategy, it is important to know what it is and when to use it for best effect.
There are inherent risks with using the double-down betting option that should be considered as well before attempting to use it in a real money blackjack game. While it does have the potential to instantly double your profits, the reverse is also true in that you could instantly lose twice as much as you would if a regular bet ended up as a bust.
When to Use It Strategically
One of the great things about playing blackjack is that there are plenty of opportunities to employ strategies to help improve your chances of success. Many experienced blackjack players also apply strategy to the double-down betting option, which can be combined with a card-counting technique for added effectiveness.
However, if you’re a novice blackjack player and wish to use the double-down betting option in your next blackjack game, you can simply follow these basic double-down guidelines:
- Double down on 11: if your initial two-card hand totals 11, you should probably double down. One of the main reasons for this is that there is always a good chance that you will receive a 10 card as your third card, giving you an instant total of 21
- Double down on a hard 10 if the dealer shows a 4, 5, or 6
- Double down on a hard 9 if the dealer shows either a 5 or a 6
Double Down in Card Counting
Card counting is one of the most notorious blackjack techniques for all the wrong reasons. Many people believe that this is a form of cheating, but in reality, it is just a smart way of figuring out what the blackjack deck may be holding.
The way that card counting works is actually quite easy to understand. Different cards in the deck are given a value, either a minus value or a positive value (-/+), to determine what the deck may be holding. A negative deck, therefore, means that most of the cards in the deck will be low-value cards, while a positive deck tells you that there are more high-value cards still to play.
Card counting can, therefore, be used to determine when to double down and when to avoid the option. If the deck is quite negative, it tells you that doubling down could be a bad idea. For instance, if you have a two-card total of 11, you would probably normally double down in hopes of receiving a 10 card.
For ExampleOn a negative deck, there is more of a chance of getting a low-value card such as a 4, 5, or a 6. If the dealer is showing a 10 card, your chances of losing your double-down bet are much higher.
Being Safe with Double Down in Blackjack
As you can see, the double-down technique can be very effective in providing instant double profits, should everything go right. However, there is always the chance that things could go horribly wrong (there are no guarantees in blackjack), and you could lose twice as much.
Ultimately, it is all about knowing as much as you can about the game, applying a solid blackjack strategy such as card counting, watching the dealer to see what he is showing as well as what he may be hiding with his hole card, and watching other players to see how strong their hands are (which could tell you how strong or weak the deck is).
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The blackjack strategy of doubling down has gained such notoriety over the years that it has become synonymous with more than just gambling in a casino or online – it is now used as an apt descriptor for any situation where someone takes risks that involve pushing the envelope.
Technically speaking, doubling down in blackjack is a situation where, after you are dealt your two original cards, you decide to double your initial bet in return for a single card – with your option to hit or stay eliminated – in the hope that you will either hit a hand that beats the dealer’s or the dealer will bust when their turn comes. It can be a risky strategy, but it’s a chance you’ll have to take if you want to win at blackjack.
When to Double Down – Rules to Live By
The first rule of doubling down is much the same as the first rule of blackjack – assume any card you can’t see has a value of 10. Counting the four 10s and 12 face cards, there are more cards in the deck that are worth that amount than any other value. Since blackjack is about playing the odds, it’s a rule of thumb you’ll want to follow in any situation, but especially when it comes to doubling down.

Because of that rule, you will only want to double down on a hand where the combined value of your cards is 11 or fewer. That way, no matter what card you’re dealt on your double down, you’ll never have the chance to go over 21, or “bust” as it is more commonly known. You never want to put yourself in a position where you press your bet with the chance of busting.
In some venues, whether at a casino or online, you will only be allowed to double down if you’ve been dealt two cards that combine to equal nine, 10 or 11. In those cases, the decision to double down is made a bit easier. You will only have to look at the dealer’s up card and determine whether they are weak, i.e., showing a number between two and seven. If they have that type of hand, you’ll almost always want to double down.
Double Down In Blackjack Mean
And, though this rule is a simple one, always remember that once you opt to double down you will only receive one card. Many amateurs make the mistake of thinking that by doubling their bet they will be able to continue pursuing their hand as they normally would. The whole gamble behind a double down is that you’re relying on one more card to make your hand.
Finally, remember that doubling down is one of your best chances to rake in the big money, so you should be looking to do it at every possible opportunity. Winning at blackjack, or really any type of gamble for that matter, is about being aggressive, searching for opportunities where you feel you have an advantage and pressing your bets.
Decide whether to double down based on your hand and the dealer’s face-up card.
In blackjack, doubling down provides you with that opportunity as well as any bet you’ll encounter.When to Double Down – Strategy
Double Down In Blackjack Rules
In more common scenarios where the casino or website do allow double downs on cards of any value, the strategy behind doubling down becomes much more complicated, but also affords you the opportunity to really press your bet when the table is running hot, or the odds or your instincts tell you to do so.
You’re still going to want to look to double down any time you are dealt two cards equaling nine, 10 or 11. In fact, you’ll want to double down every time you are dealt one of those three combinations as long as the dealer’s up card isn’t a 10 or a face card. In the case when the dealer’s up card is worth 10, you should still double down on all 11s, but use your best judgement when you have a total of 10 and avoid it altogether if your hand equals nine.
Doubling down gets really tricky when you have two cards that combine to make a low total or you have an ace and a number card. In both of those cases you are in a position to take a hit without busting and, if the dealer’s up card is anything between two and six, meaning they are in a very good position to bust, you will want to consider doubling down and hoping they go over 21.
However, making that determination can be tricky. If you play by the book, you will want to double down in those situations almost every time, with the idea being that over the course of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of those circumstances you will end up winning. So, playing strictly by the book, you should double down any time the dealer is weak and you can take a hit without busting. But there is more to it than that.
As with many decisions at a blackjack table, you’re going to want to base your choice on both odds and instinct. For instance, if a dealer has been running hot – meaning they haven’t been busting much and have been making good hands even when starting with a bad combination – you might want to avoid doubling down in all but the most advantageous situations.
Make the choice to double down based on both odds and instinct.
Conversely, if the dealer has been running through a string of busts, or you seem to be making winning hands no matter what you’re dealt, you should be looking for any situation where you can double down. Taking advantage of good runs, and holding your bets on bad ones, is as important to winning at blackjack as knowing the rules and the odds.
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Doubling Down as a Key to Winning
If you just play blackjack straight and never split (which you can find a guide to elsewhere on this site) or double down, your chances of going home a winner become almost nil. It will require a huge amount of luck, and in the long run it will work against you.
Unfortunately, many players, especially amateurs, are afraid to press their bet and will eschew the double down even when it is obviously the best option. In the end, if you want to win, you’re going to have to swallow your fear and make the plunge. If anything, you should look at opportunities to double down as your friend.
Blackjack is all about the thrill and the action. The reason you play should be to have fun and, one hopes, make some money – situations that usually go hand in hand. Doubling down will help you accomplish both. Throw caution to the wind, double that bet whenever you have the opportunity and the winds of luck are blowing in your favor, and when the dealer offers to peel that one card off the deck and slide it to you face down, leave it unseen. That way you can watch the action unfold and discover your fate when the time comes to collect your money or deliver your souped up bet into the house’s coffers.